• Auto Cleaner
  • Cleanfriend
  • irobot
  • Karcher
  • Klarstein
  • Robotic
  • Samsung
  • Toshiba
  • Vileda
Compatible Battery | iRobot | Roomba | Ni-MH | 3000mAh | 43.20Wh | 14.4V
Compatible Walkie Battery for brands: VERTEX, MAAS, SystemGear, Baofeng, Dynascan, Iwatsu, Icom, Verizon, Yaesu, Intek.
(See complete list of compatible devices).
40.24 € 40.24 € 40.24 EUR
Compatible Battery | iRobot and others | Ni-MH | 2800mAh | 40.32Wh | 14.4V
Compatible battery for cleaning robots of the following brands: iRobot, Vileda, Auto Cleaner, Robotic and Klarstein.
(See complete list of compatible devices).
32.81 € 32.81 € 32.81 EUR